If your mouth lacks tooth there is a way to replace it. But first you need a reliable framework instead of a natural root. Tooth implant is to perform this task. It is a small titanium post similar to screw that is placed into an empty bone socket. You can schedule an installation at once when getting a removal.
This is the latest method of dealing with missing teeth. It’s advantages are:
- Improved appearance and comfort. Unless dentures tooth implants look and feel real, which means they are invisible and don’t cause any discomfort during your usual activities such as eating and speaking.
- Durability. A long-term solution lasting for many years. Among with right care it stays for a lifetime.
- Autonomy. The technology does not affect surrounding teeth as bridges do. There is no need to alter them in order to support the replacement system as it is self-contained. It is appropriate for any molar, premolar, canine or incisor.
- Compatibility. Due to titanium’s unique characteristics the post will be eventually fused with natural bone. The feature is called osseointegration. This metal is not rejected by human body. It’s also strong and lightweight.
- Effectiveness. The method doesn’t only replace a tooth, but also protects full facial skeleton from distortion. It is the best way to reduce the impact of removal.
Some may think that tooth replacement and implant in particular is not so necessary, but you should know it’s not that. The point is when you lose teeth the jaw bone gradually decreases too that leads to serious aesthetic and functional issues. This is yet another reason to get a tooth implant and do it as soon as possible.
Usual dentures are attached by plastic base or metal framework. Neither of them can hold it in the place and make you feel confident all the time. Tooth implants are the only way to get a perfect smile and feel the closest to natural teeth. Still there are several options of using them in dentistry.

The most common situation is when you need to fill one socket and get an individual crown. In that case special abutment is used to hold all parts together.
Sometimes fixed multiple replacement is used. For example, you can replace 3 neighboring teeth with custom bridge using two implants. Such constructions require a lot of planning but it’s totally worth it as they solve several issues at one time.
Same technology with titanium posts is used when it’s necessary to replace all bottom or upper teeth. From 2 to 6 implants provide credible support for facial skeleton structure and attachment for the denture. Such removable replacements are pretty convenient to clean.
About installation.
First you should check with your health insurance provider as this type of service is not always covered.
Replacing is a difficult and extended process. Inserting tooth implant is usually operated with local anesthesia. Most patients say it is less painful than an extraction. On first day you may experience soreness, feel free to handle it with over-the-counter pain medications.
You don’t always get a new artificial tooth right away. After the procedure you need to wait for up to 6 months to let the jawbone heal and grow around the implant. Only when it’s securely anchored in the jaw it’s time to get a false molar called a crown. In order to verify that your dentist is going to inspect the implant and make an X-ray. Sometimes full set is added at once.
Final crown will be natural-looking. The orthodontist will use model of your bite to create an appropriate restoration. The full process may require work of several specialists including surgeon, orthodontist, periodontist, restorative dentist and laboratory technician. Nowadays computer modelling helps to plan the placement as well. The result will completely match the colour and form of your regular teeth and fit the gap perfectly.
Major difference between natural molar and replacement is that the first one is not connected to the bone itself, there are collagen fibers that connect the tooth on one side and jawbone on the other. Post is however fused directly to the bone. It never decays and needs no root canal. Nevertheless, disintegration can be caused by peri-implantitis.
The method has been applying for last 30 years. It is known to be one of the safest and most helpful operations in dentistry. Choose our dental office and forget all your worries. We guarantee tailor-made approach, qualified service and affordable prices. Our specialists are always glad to help Jacksonville citizens and guests.
An interesting fact - Americans were first in the world to form an organization dedicated to advancing implant dentistry. Nowadays about 3 million of USA citizens have implants. Success of the procedure depends on your overall condition as well. Having cancer, diabetes or other diseases may be a reason to solve your problem another way. You also need strong gums to undergo the procedure. That is why you should share all information about your current or past state and medication being taken with your doctor. It is also important to follow all recommendations during the healing and after. In general, dental implants have a success rate of 98%.
Taking care of tooth implants.
Use a brush and a floss daily to keep your teeth clean. Avoid metal scrapers as they can damage the surface. Be careful with solid foods, nut shells and bones. Just the same as with your native teeth. You also should visit your dentist regularly at least once a year and get the implants checked.
Replacement systems are made to serve you all life. Even if you break the crown it’s always possible to replace it. This operation will be rather cosmetic and comfortable without any surgery or pain.